Formed Panels


Formed Panels

Aluminum is quite popular for use in metal panels, or enclosures of buildings for several reasons. It is very ductile, and pliable for creating forms. It’s lightweight, does not compromise strength, as some aluminum alloys are known to be stronger than structural steel.

It can also be easily maintained with detergent and water, and does not corrode or flake. In comparison with other choices, it is the final clean finish, and cost effectiveness, which make this metal a remarkable choice for exterior cladding. Other materials such as stainless steel are also available.

What we can Do?


The following aluminum finishes are offered as standard :

  • Anodized finishes : Architectural Class 1, 20 um (.0007″) or Class 2, 10 um (.0004″) in clear or standard colours.
  • Paint finishes : PPG Duranar fluorocarbon coatings containing Kynar 500* resin in a wide range of architectural colours.
  • Sizes
  • 1. Anodized quality of 0.125″ thickness comes in sheets 60″ maximum width
    2. All other anodized quality comes in sheets of 48″ maximum width
    3. Paint quality of 0.125″ thickness comes in sheets of 72″ maximum width
    4. All other paint quality comes in sheets of 60″ maximum width

Stainless Steel

  • 304-#4 brush finish, XL Blend S, XL buff polished
  • Sizes
  • 1. 22 gauge to 12 gauge
    2. Maximum width for sheets is 60″
